Aims & Scope

The online journal "Tier- und Artenschutz in Recht und Praxis" is a joint project by the Environmental Law Institute of the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), the University of Vienna, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) and the Ombuds Office for Animal Protection of the City of Vienna (TOW). TiRuP is a scientific open access journal dedicated to publishing factual and practical papers covering legal aspects in the realm of animals, species conservation and related issues.

Publication format

The journal's papers published online are freely available, accessible and usable according to the open access licence attached to them. The content is published continuously and digitally, making articles and other contributions available as soon as possible. The content is also indexed in the database RDB. A print volume published by NWV at the end of year complements the online format.


The journal's range includes papers on legal doctrine, jurisprudence reviews, contributions from practice and short discussions (including related fields such as ethics, biology, ecology or veterinary medicine), recent NGO reports, editors' references to legal amendments or court rulings, book reviews and further information (including on new findings in veterinary medicine or behavioural biology). In addition the proceedings papers from the Tier & Recht-Tag (Animal & Law Day) of the Ombuds Office for Animal Protection of the City of Vienna (TOW) will be included in TiRuP in the future.

TiRuP addresses itself to all those involved in the protection of animals and species.

Quality assurance

An internal review process by the editors as well as an advisory board comprised of persons recognized in the field guarantee the scientific respectability and quality of every single paper published and of the journal as a whole. Depending on the subject or question the editors may decide on a double-blind peer review.