

Dear Author!

Thank you for your interest in publishing with TiRuP. Before submitting your manuscript please follow the guidelines listed below:

  • The online journal "Tier- und Artenschutz in Recht und Praxis" (TiRuP) is a scientific open access journal dedicated to publishing factual and practical papers covering legal aspects in the realm of animals, species concervation and related issues. The journal's range includes papers on legal doctrine, jurisprudence reviews, contributions from practice and short discussions (including related fields such as ethics, biology, ecology or veterinary medicine), recent NGO reports, editors' references to legal amendments or court rulings, book reviews and further information (including on new findings in veterinary medicine or behavioural biology).

  • The contributions to this journal must offer new insights or findings and should follow the principles of good scientifeic practice.

  • Conflicts of interest should always be declared by the author(s)(e.g. contract research, expert cunsultancy).

  • The papers should be impeccable when it comes to spelling and grammar. Please follow the rules given by the latest edition of the "Duden".

  • Please, under any circumstance, use the format templates and list of abbreviations offered on the next page. They cover all types of publication included in TiRuP. In case of uncertainty please contact the editorial team.
    The templates contain all relevant parts for the respective type of publication.
    The use of font weights and italics are preset in the templates.
    We recommend to use the relevant template from the beginning and not to format the document retrospectively.
    Please do not change the formatting in the templates (e.g. font size, justified and unjustified text etc.)!

  • Abbreviations are used according to the "Abkürzungs- und Zitierregeln der österreichischen Rechtssprache und europarechtlicher Rechtsquellen (AZR)", MANZ, 8th edition, 2019.
    • Abbreviations are written without a period.
    • EU-norms (RL) und EU-orders (VO) should always be written in the abbreviated version without using "Nr" (this also goes for BGBl, LGBl, ABl etc); for example: Tiertransport-VO 1/2005, ABl L 2005/3, 1.
    Please note, that abbreviations should be used uniformly throughout your manuscript!
    The most frequently used abbreviations are listed in the document on the next page format templates and list of abbreviations.

  • Citations also follow the rules of the AZR.
    The month, when used in a date, is written in numbers without the leading zero.
    Publishing institutions are cited as follws:
    • State law gazette: BGBl [Part] [Year]/[Number]; for example: BGBl I 2021/1
    • The Law gazette of a federal state is cited by adding the abbreviation of the respective federal state, for example LGBl-B 2021/1, LGBl-K 2021/1, LGBl-N 2021/1, LGBl-O 2021/1, LGBl-S 2021/1, LGBl-St 2021/1, LGBl-T 2021/1, LGBl-V 2021/1, LGBl-W 2021/1
    • Official gazettes of the EU: ABl [Part] [Year]/[Number], [Page]; for example: ABl L 2020/17, 1
    Please note, that citations should be used uniformly throughout your manuscript!

  • A foot note is placed after the period, unless it refers to one specific word or phrase within a sentence.

  • Pictures and graphs can be displayed in color (RGB) in the online version, but will only be printed in shades of grey in the print volume. The same applies to printouts of the online version.
    To ensure a good printer quality please not only embed pictures and graphs in your manuscript but also attach them separately as a *.jpg, *.png, *.tif, *.gif, or *.psd. These data files should have at least the size of the printout and be in shades of grey with a resolution of 300 dpi. In case you want the online version to be in color, attach the rgb-version of the file as well.

The editorial team is happy to answer any questions, requests or other wishes you might have.